360 Waves for Beginners: The Crown Isolation Method

360 Waves for Beginners: The Crown Isolation Method

Crown isolation is important for adding definition to the crown of your hair. Using the techniques below, you will create a well-managed hair pattern that will isolate your crown from the defined waves in your hair pattern. Let’s get started!

How to begin

  • Add a little moisturizer to the crown area of your head
  • Take the point of your brush and brush in the product in short brushing techniques, from the crown of your head.
  • Brush in sections for about 2 mins per section of your crown
  • Always use the same technique for a consistent pattern
  • Add oil to the crown area of your head
  • Use your soft brush to repeat the brushing techniques to the crown area, to work the oil into your hair pattern
  • Repeat this process for each section for about 2-3 mins or until your satisfied with the results
Watch this video for the visual steps of the Crown Isola

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1 comment

Hi myname is daniel and i really love 360 waves and poochy from itchy and scarchty


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